If an elevator is not installed in compliance with applicable safety codes, the area between the elevator gate and hoistway door may create an entrapment space. Installation of space guards can greatly reduce the platform area to stand on where a child or small adult can be trapped, thus decreasing the risk of serious injury or death. These space guards should be added to each floor landing door to eliminate the entrapment gap.
- Elevators installed per ASME code prior to 2016 allowed for a 3” gap between hoistway door and the hoistway edge of landing sill.
- Elevators installed per ASME code since 2016 allows for a 3/4” gap from the back of the hoistway door to the hoistway edge of landing sill.
All of our elevators allow you to meet today’s stringent national standards and increase safety in your home. Please contact your local Fox Valley Elevator Dealer for any question or to acquire the customized space guards for your hoistway doors.
Measuring Your Entrapment Space
To ensure that your home elevator is in compliance with entrapment space regulations, check the area between the hoistway door and the hoistway edge of the home elevator’s landing sill to ensure the gap space is in compliance. If that gap space is more than 3″, it is not in compliance and may create an unsafe entrapment space between the elevator gate and hoistway door.

Bring Older Home Elevators Into Code with Custom Space Guards
Fox Valley Elevator offers customized hoistway door space guards to match your elevator style. Choose a wood space guard, available in a variety of plywood veneers or a clear polycarbonate space guard with standoff finishes to match your elevator fixtures.
The space guards reduce the entrapment area and meet the current national ASME A17.1 code. By reducing the platform area, these customized Space Guards greatly reduce the risk of serious injury and death.
Standard Plywood Veneer Options
The appearance and configuration will vary on all of our custom Space Guards. You can also specify unfinished, lacquered or a custom stain.



Red Oak


Wood finishes shown are representative only and are not intended for color matching.