Choosing the right elevator requires deciding what works best for your needs, your personal style and your home. After reviewing the products and options on our web site, your next step is to contact your Fox Valley Elevator dealer. Our national dealer network understands that helping you make the right selection requires an assessment of your specific needs.
Below is a list of steps to keep in mind when planning your elevator and talking to your local Fox Valley Elevator dealer.

Pre-plan your installation
Elevator or dumbwaiter products may sometimes require complex installation or structural modifications to an existing home. In both retrofit or new construction, pre-planning will help simplify your installation and trim your budget. Contact your local Authorized Dealer so they can walk you through the process before you begin.

Learn about maintenance and repair
It is important to regularly inspect and maintain your elevator or dumbwaiter to ensure safe and trouble-free performance. Ask your dealer what the maintenance requirements are and what they offer in terms of service and repair programs.

Determine a price range
Fox Valley Elevator products are available in a range to fit nearly every budget and design taste. Your dealer will work with you to propose a solution that can be practical, affordable and beautiful.

Decide on your elevator car style and features
Fox Valley Elevator models are designed with a wide variety of standard and optional features. Each drive type and model provides safety, comfort and convenience. Optional features can enhance performance, or add to your design choices. Your dealer will work with you to ensure the product you select address your individual needs.

Choose from our available finishes
Fox Valley Elevator offers a variety of finishes with dozens of combinations to match any home decor or design taste.

Understand the safety requirements
Safety and reliability are paramount with regard to the design and use of a residential elevator or dumbwaiter. Review all safety features with your dealer to ensure compliance with specific state or municipal codes.

Learn about comfort and performance
It is important to ask your dealer about ride comfort and quality of operation. We offer a range of drive systems to meet every budget and operating standard for stability, speed, durability and reliability.